Sunday, October 19, 2014

Friday, October 10, 2014

Let's Talk!

Last week I was invited to Let's Talk Grand Launching Program by Yayasan Bunda Siti Banun and it was great. Actually, Let's Talk is a really really great program, because it based on education, specifically English for teachers and students throughout Indonesia, especially in rural areas. Why rural areas? because we all know that, it's a bit hard to get education in rural areas, especially English. 

The event was held in 4 days. So, here they are the pictures from the first day.

Before The Grand Launching Ceremony with Mrs. Sutias Handayani (The wife of the Governor of  North Sumatera)
The Grand Launching Ceremony with giant confetti box
Choir performance by SMK Siti Banun ft. El Shaddai from USU

 Press Conference

Moses band

On day 2, they have Fatin Shidqia Mini Charity Concert, where the sale of the tickets will be donated to the Let's Talk Program.

She also auctioned her clothes and the sale will be donated

Day 3&4:

Some cute stuff

Coloring Competition

Have you bought the Pelangi Hati book? The book teaches us about moral and the life attitude of Djalaludin Pane. Come to centre point and visit our booth to get the book :)

Great people behind the event

Cute & Colorful Decoration

The event closed with the dance aka flashmob from our volunteers and all who participated in this event. Let's Talk! #Letstalktosucceed #LetsDance #LetsLearn #LetsPlay #LetsTalk

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